The introduction of Free Burghers to the Cape is regarded as the beginning of a permanent settlement of Europeans in South Africa and the inception of the Boer people. The European settlers were Christian while the Khoikhoi and Xhosa people originally followed traditional African religions. The Dutch wanted to produce vegetable and fruits for the ships which sailed to India. They faced lives as miserable as their parents', with very little hope of escape. P.S. Many others were fishermen. The Portuguese, attracted by the riches of Asia, made no permanent settlement at the Cape Colony. As more Dutch settlers arrived at the Cape, they needed more workers to plant gardens, build houses and run the refreshment station. Evidence of these skills can still be seen in the Cape Dutch buildings and architecture built at that time. The Dutch recognising the value of the refugees, encouraged the French families to seek new homes in Dutch settlements. Cape Dutch and Trekboers: 18th century Until 1707 the Dutch East India Company makes some effort to encourage immigration to the Cape. In 1647, the Haerlem, a Dutch trading ship, was shipwrecked in Table Bay. His first task was to build a fort for protection against attackers and the weather. A group of soldiers came from Cape Town and caught Galant and the other slaves. . The DEIC (Dutch East India Company) in the Netherlands was set up in 1602 to trade. The Dutch stole as well as bought cattle from the Khoikhoi. Sometimes slaves sold and bartered goods for their masters in the town. The whole settlement was thus protected from Hottentot incursion. All orders placed between 15 December - 5 January will be processed when we re-open in the new year. The largest farms, which produced grain or wine, rarely employed more than 50 slaves. It has been used in various ways over the last 400 years: it has served as a hospital for lepers as well as for insane and very ill patients. Total: 5, Slaves were tied to each other so that they could not escape while being transported. Afrikaans Language Arts The headquarters of the Company were in Batavia on the island of Java and so the Cape was a convenient half-way stop for ships sailing from Holland. 4. (1) People could make a lot of money from this, so some groups of people started wars just so that they could take slaves. Then they planned to talk to the authorities about peace and freedom for all slaves. In April 1652, Jan van Riebeeck arrived at the Cape with 100 men and women, including his wife Maria de la Quellerie. Jan Van Riebeeck was born in the Netherlands in 1619. The soldiers were armed and they defeated the slave group. Buy The Dutch at the Cape now and enjoy all the benefits of a file folder project. In the early years of slavery, only the DEIC owned slaves. The cape was a good place where ships could stop to be refueled. The DEIC (Dutch East India Company) in the Netherlands was set up in 1602 to trade. The VOC realised that the company could not produce enough food for the passing ships so they allowed some of their people to set up their own farms. A file folder project will enable your children to work on and review key information about the topic being studied.2. Galant and the other slaves killed Van der Merwe and two other white people. Two organised but small uprisings of slaves took place in the early 1800s, when the Cape was under British rule. Their success attracted competition especially from the Dutch and the English. Image source, Activity 4 After a brief reversion to the Dutch in the course of the Napoleonic wars, it was retaken in 1806 and kept by Britain in the post-war settlement of territorial claims. Later the same year another ship arrived with more slaves. Some slaves heard that this was going to happen, and rebelled because they believed that they would be given their freedom earlier. Two more supply ships, the Olifant and the Walvis followed shortly after. The farmers earned extra money in this way. You have nothing to lose as you have 8 weeks in which to request a 100% refund if The Dutch at the Cape is not everything you expect it to be! The expansion of the Dutch settlement into the south-western Cape and the Cape interior led to the disintegration and impoverishment of the Khoesan. The Cape of Good Hope, also known as the Cape Colony (Dutch: Kaapkolonie), was a British colony in present-day South Africa named after the Cape of Good Hope.The British colony was preceded by an earlier Corporate colony that became a Dutch colony of the same name (controlled by France), the Kaap de Goede Hoop, established in 1652 by the United East India Company (VOC). Slavery was abolished in 1834. A mini-book project enables children to work with small bits of information that can then be arranged onto a file folder to create a complete project. Much to the dismay of the shareholders of the VOC, who focused primarily on making profits from the Asian trade, the colony rapidly expanded into a settler colony in the years after its founding. Traders bought the goods and the slaves in the east and took them all to Europe or the Americas to trade. The file folder project includes the following topics: Use this printable file folder project pack to enhance your children’s learning about the Dutch settlement at the Cape in the 17th and 18th centuries. Slave traders often separated partners. The Cape was colonised by the Dutch East India Company, better known as the VOC (short for Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) in the mid-17th century. Slave owners could use harsh punishments like whipping, starving and forcing slaves to work very long hours. Altogether, 20 rebels were sentenced to death. They were not allowed to ride on wagons and horses in the street. 1. They were thus attracted to the Cape settlement as it allowed for individual enterprise, opportunity and a … . Many slaves were talented and skilful people in their home countries and were forced to move away from families and friends. The slaves had to learn Dutch. They had to sail for months to get from Europe to the East and months to sail back home. As they moved inland, conflicts grew worse. Any children born to slaves were owned by the slave owners. Sample of a completed file folder project. (1) Later, slaves came mainly from countries along the Indian Ocean trade route because the Dutch East India Company was, by then, allowed to trade only along the East Coast of Africa and with countries in the East. Van Riebeeck arrived at the Cape on 6 April 1652 as an employee of the VOC to spearhead the establishment of the refreshment outpost at the Cape. Image source. The slaves added words from their own languages. Many words in Afrikaans were influenced by the languages the slaves spoke. When the sailors eventually got back to Holland they gave the DEIC or VOC (Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) wonderful reports about what they had seen at the Cape – plenty of water, … The Dutch also started a large garden to produce fresh fruit and vegetables for themselves and the ships stopping at the refreshment station. File folder projects are ideal for multi-level learning.7. In 1651 the VOC issued instructions to Jan van Riebeeck to establish refreshment station at the Cape to provide fresh supplies of vegetables, fruit and meat for VOC ships on their way to the East Indies. Cape slave owners controlled their slaves very strictly. Those who completed their three-year contract could apply to become free from the DElC. By the early 1700s, there were about 1000 Dutch settlers living in the Cape. The Dutch were the first Europeans to colonize the Cape. However, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) settled the area as a location where vessels could restock water and provisions. Total: 5. (5) Saldanha Bay, Dassen Island and Robben Island were developed as outposts of trade and stock raising. The building, known as the Castle, still stands today. Reasons: DEIC permanent settlement at the Cape 1652. Image source. The style and flavour of 'Cape Malay' dishes is very distinctive. SA Art Appreciation Such people were known as Free Burghers. Olympiads Cape Malay music originated from these slaves and the Cape Malay musical tradition is continued by the Cape Minstrel Carnival held on 2 January (Tweede Nuwe Jaar) every year. Free Burghers were early settlers at the Cape of Good Hope in the 18th century. Afrikaans High School & Matric, Preschool: ABC Fun & 1-2-3 Free Curricula Explain the difference between the fort and the Castle. Find on a map Japan, Taiwan, and China – the places where Van Riebeeck worked before coming to the Cape. Some learnt new skills or used those they had learnt in their own countries and worked as cart drivers, bricklayers, builders, painters, carpenters, shoemakers, tailors and boat builders. From 1961 to 1991 it was used as a maximum security prison. The States-General of the Netherlands granted the VOC a 21-year monopoly to carry out colonial activities in the East and Holland became the most important trading nation of Europe at that time. Email Wendy the title of the lapbook you wish to order at, 2. In the city, slaves did almost all skilled work. The VOC was the wealthiest and most powerful trading company in the world at that time. Image source. (Temperate and cool climate). In South Africa under Dutch settlement, there was a shortage of labour, especially on the wheat and wine farms. People became carpenters, bricklayers, inn keepers, bankers, officials and blacksmiths. Tutors Between 1688 and 1689, about 175 Huguenots settled at the Cape. When Jan van Riebeeck arrived at the Cape, he was forbidden by the Dutch to enslave any of the local people. Science – Senior Some slaves were carried by ships that were carrying other goods for trade. Start by marking “An account of the Cape of Good Hope; containing an historical view of its original settlement by the Dutch, its capture by the British in 1795, and the different policy pursued there by the Dutch and British governments. It was the gradual dispossession of local Khoikhoi pastoralists by early Dutch settlers that opened up the area for European settlement. They marched to Cape Town, gathering over 300 slaves and Khoikhoi servants along the way. GED Some were born to parents who were slaves, and so would become slaves themselves. my response-[1] = the DUTCH had to get FRESH FOOD, between the NETHERLANDS and the EAST-[2] = the DUTCH had to bring FARMING to AFRICA-AFRICA was undeveloped. Special Needs (SEN) Following the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, it was actually the Portuguese who first set out to find an alternative sea-route to India & China. After the permanent settlement of the Dutch from 1652, however, the Khoesan became increasingly resistant to the presence of Europeans. Buy now using the Clickbank Secure Servers. However, they did not want to leave their cattle and so were not always available. Some slave ships stopped at the Cape on their way to Europe or the Americas from Madagascar. This began the process of colonization of the Cape, Natal and eventually the whole of South Africa. b The Huguenots constitutes a out one-sixth of the then white population. It hoped that the French would be part of this group. The fort was completed in August of 1653. What was Robben Island used for during World War 2? Many slaves were skilled builders, cabinet-makers, plasterers, dressmakers, bricklayers and carpenters. This study investigated the tenability of J. Wayne Baker’s views of theological and political federalism and the origins thereof in the thought of Heinrich Bullinger within the jurisprudential context of the early Cape settlement (1652-1780). (1) Reasons for the Dutch settlement at the Cape The Portuguese had been successfully controlling the Indian Ocean trade by themselves. The VOC was controlled by the Heeren XVII or Lords Seventeen who represented the various shareholders in the Company. Great Britain seized the Cape settlement from the Dutch in 1795 in order to keep it out of the hands of Holland’s ally, Revolutionary France. In 1808, a slave called Lois led a rebellion. The slaves came from many different places and did not have one common language. Later, free citizens of the town and farmers in the countryside were also granted the right to own slaves. Reasons: DEIC permanent settlement at the Cape 1652. Children can be creative and add their unique touch to their projects.6. Field Trips, We are closing for Christmas on 16 December. It was called the Fort de Goede Hoop and the four bastions, made of mud and stone, were named after Van Riebeeck’s other four ships: Drommedaris, Reyger, Olifant and Walvis. This file folder project pack (or lapbook) is aimed at children aged 7-11 and can be adapted for multiple age levels, commonly found in the homeschooling situation. Reason For Dutch Settlement In Cape Town. The Dutch Governor, Jan van Riebeeck settled in South Africa in 1652 and planted the first vines of French origin in 1655 in the Cape Town area. This was known as the Company gardens. Realising that a traditional theme book project can be overwhelming for young children, even with help and supervision, we have created this printable file folder project to make learning easier! The Cape became a meeting place for sailors and a useful port of call where messages could be exchanged. In 1795, the British occupied the Cape as a strategic base against the French, controlling the sea route to the East. Some kinder and fairer owners allowed their slaves to keep some of the money earned. Some Dutch VOC officials working in the east bought slaves. They were also bought, sold and hired out through advertisements placed in newspapers in the same way as in the American South. Image source. Eventually, in the 1830s, large numbers of Boers migrated in what came to be known as the Great Trek. The slaves were taken from their homes, to the Cape, on ships. The Cape of Good Hope was a Dutch settlement from 1652 until 1795. Here they could replenish their supplies of water, fruit, vegetables and meat. What does DEIC stand for? Just as in the American South, slaves were not allowed to marry. They were Huguenots, who were French Protestants who had been persecuted (treated cruelly and unfairly) by the Catholic government of France. Afrikaans first developed as a slave language that emerged from the mixture of Dutch, English, and other European and Malay languages. Islam arrived with slaves from Islamic countries and spread throughout South Africa. Van Riebeeck was appointed the leader of this expedition. (1) They got a better price for the slaves in the Cape than in the east, so they made a good profit doing this. The fort stood where the Grand Parade is today in Cape Town and it contained a church and a hospital. Wheat farming, viticulture and breeding animals were the main activities in the Cape. Before any settlement was established at the Cape, many ships called in at Table Bay for refreshment. Yet by that time, half a century after the first settlement, the burgher families still number only 1779 men, women and children - consisting of Dutch… Click here for more South African History File Folder Projects, Cambridge AFRICA had no farming. The Dutch were also Protestant, and they offered the Huguenots a new home where they could be safe. Some slave owners rented out their slaves to do unskilled work such as working in the docks. Throughout this period there were tensions between the Dutch East India Company (VOC) administration and the burghers. They traded for spices and other interesting goods from India. Its influence also lasted long after the abolition of slavery in 1838. It was very difficult for slaves in the Cape to lead normal family lives. Robben Island lies 12 km away from Cape Town. On 6 April 1652, Van Riebeeck dropped anchor in Table Bay. In 1660 a Dutch ship with 150 slaves from Angola arrived at the Cape. Name 6 places from which slaves were captured and brought to the Cape. . They could own land and slaves, and these people played an important role in the development of the Cape. In 1825, 25-year-old Galant and the other slaves heard that the colony might abolish slavery. A project gives the children a reason for writing and drawing.9. Three watch-houses were also built. ... were at war with the Dutch over control of the seas. After unsuccessful efforts at colonization, the Dutch Parliament chartered the "West India Company," a national-joint stock company that would organize and oversee all Dutch ventures in the Western Hemisphere. Activity 2 They would sell some of their slaves while they were there. Remember, the risk is all ours. In 1658 there were only 11 slaves at the Cape. (2) The Cape came under VOC rule from 1652 to 1795 and again from 1803 to 1806. But, Galant overheard Van der Merwe saying that he would never give his slaves their freedom. It still exists today, but is no longer a vegetable garden. The settlement on what would become the Cape Fear River was in disarray, and England would send no help. Give your opinion as to why slaves were not brought overland from Mozambique to the Cape. At its inception, the population stood at 20,016, of which 10,560 were white. Pay by EFT and select the option for the bank to send proof of payment to Wendy at the email address above, SAVINGS Account 2345020008 (you must select SAVINGS if your bank has CURRENT as the default account type or the payment might fail), Acc holder WT Young T/A Footprints On Our Land, (For a quick currency conversion go to The first slaves to arrive at the Cape came from Angola. Reasons for Dutch settlement at the cape. They were housed in the Slave Lodge in Adderley Street. An aerial view of the Castle in Cape Town Image source. At the trial, Galant and the other slaves told the court how Van der Merwe had treated them. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. He led a group of slaves and Khoikhoi people to Cape Town, where they planned to take over the store of weapons. File folder projects are compact and easy to store.10. Central to ensuring a stable supply of refreshments and meat … In time, as a result of the work of missionaries, most indigenous people became Christians. Then they fled into the mountains nearby. Only the larger farms had special slave lodges. The aim of this book is to review the relationship between them, which in South African historiography is generally seen as antagonistic, but really was more inclusive and cooperative. List the names of the 5 bastions (projecting parts) of the Castle. The Portuguese named the area the Cape of Storms. Abstract. Most people who became slaves were captured in war and then sold to slave traders. This can be seen by the number of mosques that have been built in the region. The Dutch East India Company or Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) was formed in the Holland in 1602 when a number of small trading companies united. Science – Junior Traditional Cape Malay foods and recipes such as bobotie, bredies and samoosas have become part of South African culture and tradition. SA Children’s Books For example:  baie- a lot; piesang- banana; blatjang- chutney; sjambok- whip, Free burghers: The Dutch and French Huguenot immigration to the Cape. The VOC wanted more settlers to leave Holland and settle at the Cape. 3. Lapbooks As the settlement grew, the settlers needed more and more land for farming. He organised the slaves on nearby farms to rebel against their masters. Many slaves came from the East. Slaves were not allowed to gather outside the entrances of church buildings during services. In 1651 the Council of Seventeen decided to establish a small settlement at the Cape to serve as a refreshment station for Company ships travelling to and from Batavia. Some of the work activities that slaves did in the home. Frontispiece of Peter Kolb's The present state of the Cape of Good-Hope, or, A particular account of the several nations of the Hottentots. When they got close to Cape Town, they were met by a group of soldiers. The DElC offered work at the Cape to both Dutch and French citizens. Van Riebeeck was instructed to build a fort for protection, to plant a garden and to barter livestock with the indigenous people. It was used for military purposes during the Second World War. There were also farmers outside the town. In time, this language became Afrikaans. Also a sketch of its geography, p” as Want to Read: What causes scurvy? The largest group of South African Muslims (followers of Islam) is still found in the Western Cape. It will develop auditory and comprehension skills as well as the ability to search, sift and find answers in a written text.3. The outpost was intended to supply VOC ships on their way to Asia with fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and to enable … Dutch settlement, the Indian Ocean slave trade and slavery at the Cape - seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Grade 7 - Term 3: Colonisation of the Cape in the 17th and 18th centuries, Cacadu District Municipality, Western Region, people who make horseshoes and other objects from metal, the cover of seeds, usually regarded as useless, the process of separating grain from chaff by throwing it into the air or blowing air through it. The cape had a good climate to support settlement of the whites. It was common for farmers to send their slaves to work on other farms where slaves then worked as hired labour. (1) AFRICA had no technology. At first, the local Khoikhoi were prepared to work from time to time, helping in the gardens and doing other manual (physical) work. It's too expensive. Sometimes, the slaves resisted or fought back against their harsh owners as they did in the American South, but it was difficult to get together in groups in order to do this. (3) They bring skills in cultivating vines, which helps to lay the basis for the Cape wine industry. Today, Islam remains a vibrant, flourishing religion that has had a significant social, cultural and political influence in South Africa. Some were sold into slavery by their families, if the family was poor and could not afford to survive. South Africa - South Africa - British occupation of the Cape: When Great Britain went to war with France in 1793, both countries tried to capture the Cape so as to control the important sea route to the East. English Language Arts What are the reasons for the Dutch settlement at the Cape?-. Dismiss, (you must select SAVINGS if your bank has CURRENT as the default account type or the payment might fail), Ages 12-16 Footprints into the 21st Century, South African History File Folder Projects. Children love to learn by doing!5. 2. They practised their religion, which was a great part of their identity. For the slaves, their religion, Islam, was a way of life. RICHMOND, VA—The Dutch East India Company established a small settlement at what is now Cape Town in 1652. When the sailors eventually got back to Holland they gave the DEIC or VOC (Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) wonderful reports about what they had seen at the Cape – plenty of water, fertile land and lots of wild animals. They produced food for the growing settlement. After some time, medical centres were built and doctors were brought over from Europe. The creative possibilities are endless. However, they did not want to leave their cattle and so were not always available. Start a hassle-free hands-on learning adventure with your students now by investing in this printable ebook now. Name 3 good things that the sailors from the Haerlem said that they had found at the Cape. The most famous prisoner during that time was Nelson Mandela. So, for the first five years at the Cape, the only slaves were stowaways. The original fort, built of mud, clay and timber, no longer exists, but a more permanent brick, stone and cement castle was built near to the fort some years later. Here are some of them: All slaves had to be indoors by 10 pm and if they were not, they had to carry a light if they were on the streets. Galant was a slave owned by a cruel farmer named Van der Merwe who beat his slaves and treated them very badly. Total: 10, Results of the Dutch arrival and settlement, Slaves at the Cape: Why slaves were brought to the Cape, Slave Lodge museum in Adderley Street. Sometimes the VOC sent a ship to the east just to get a load of slaves. As more Dutch settlers arrived at the Cape, they needed more workers to plant gardens, build houses and run the refreshment station. The locals don’t want to work for us. Jan Van Riebeeck wrote the following in his diary: "I don't want to use our soldiers and sailors for agricultural work and seal-catching. Makes some effort to encourage immigration to the East and took them to... Still stands today and fairer owners allowed their slaves to keep some of the Cape leaving the Cape 1838. Owners could use harsh punishments like whipping, starving and forcing slaves to be known as settlement. Be seen by the Heeren XVII or Lords Seventeen who represented the various shareholders in Western. Families and friends 100 men and women, including his wife Maria la! Start a hassle-free hands-on learning adventure with your students now by investing in this printable file project... Some slaves heard that this was going to happen, and they the. 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