J Can Chiropr Assoc. Compress the muscle with an elastic bandage. To do the following exercises, you should sit on a chair. Secondary treatments. Severe (grade 3) strains are marked by immediate excruciating pain, usually at the V in the calf muscles, along with an inability to contract the muscles. The calf is the group of muscles in your lower leg. Compression. By Cathy Fieseler Doctors from the National Health Service (NHS) say that calf strains are commonly caused by putting too much force on the calf muscles. A sudden change of direction, explosive movement or increase in speed can result in the calf muscles becoming torn or strained. quickly crossing the road), when jumping, hopping or when lunging forwards such as while playing tennis, badminton or squash. Overstretching the calves is usually the most common cause of straining, pulling, or tearing the muscle fibers in your lower leg. (rest, ice, compression, elevation) , used in the first three to five days after the injury: est : It's important to rest your injured muscle, which means avoiding any activities that cause pain, as well as … What Can Help? In severe cases surgery might be performed.A physiotherapist might prescribe ultrasound treatment, sound waves; which speeds up the repair process, by breaking down tissues and stretching them. In cases of grade 2 and grade 3 calf muscle tears, recovery time is decreased by keeping weight off the injured leg as much as possible. Repeat 3 times a day. the leg when running, sprinting or lunging is how the injury presents and occurs. If there is any underlying medical condition, such as a heart condition, it is important to seek medical advice before receiving massage. You hear the calf muscle pop at the time of injury. 2. Medial gastrocnemius strain treatment & management. The herb arnica is well known as a treatment for bruising and, in the same way, that it can reduce symptoms of bruising, it can also help to relieve symptoms of a calf strain. Causes: A calf strain occurs when the calf muscles are over stretched. Gently lean your chest into the wall by bending your uninjured leg. When applying the ice pack, it’s important to remember not to place ice directly on the skin. Medial gastrocnemius strain – causes. In a grade 2 strain, recovery can take up to 5-8 weeks, and for grade 3 strains can take up to 3-4 months.Rest: to prevent further damage.In the sub acute (3 days to 3 weeks) and the chronic stage (3 weeks to 2 years) it is important that training should be adapted to avoid jumping or any exercises that put excessive strain on the gastrocnemius or soleus. Wrap the rice-filled heating pad in a warm moist towel. These are classed as mild, moderate, or severe injuries to the calves. A pulled calf muscle is a common injury, especially when a person does new or intense exercise. Dr. Anthony Saglimbeni on Medscape reports that there is usually leg tenderness in the middle of the calf. In a Grade 3 degree strain: (a complete rupture). 3. If you have suffered a grade 2 or grade 3 calf muscle tear, you should also consult with your doctor to get the extent of the injury assessed properly. In this article, you will find out what can cause you to strain, pull, or tear your calf muscle. During this time, you should continue building strength and flexibility in the calf muscle. According to the Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, the P.R.I.C.E. Calf Strain Treatment The initial treatment for a calf strain is R.I.C.E. After a few days of icing the muscle strain in your calf, you should replace the ice pack with a heating pad. Soleus strain treatment depends on the severity of the injury. Exercises should focus on stretching and strengthening, focusing on the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles; for example calf and toe raises. Strapping provides support. Hold for 5 seconds. A calf strain occurs when the calf muscles are over stretched. There are 2 muscles that make up the calves in the back of your lower leg. Your calf muscles are located at the back of your lower leg and are needed to move your legs when walking, running, or jumping. The Achilles tendon attaches to the heel bone (the calcaneus). The most severe kind of calf muscle injury is grade 3. You might even hear your calf muscle “pop” when it tears. Muscle Strain Treatment Self-Care at Home. Apply to your sore calf muscle for 20 minutes to. You should feel the calf muscle on your extended leg stretch. Hold the back of a chair and gently rise up on your toes. Schedule an appointment with your doctor. A grade 1 injury to your calf is usually referred to as a “pulled calf.” This is a fairly minor injury with only light stretching and tearing of the calf muscle fibers. Calf strains have a nasty habit of becoming chronic injuries. You will also learn about the best treatment methods for calf muscle injuries and how long they take to heal. The Muscle, Ligaments and Tendons Journal says that a physical examination 3-5 days after the injury can help to predict how long the calf muscle injury will take to heal.11, Dr. Tero Järvinen from the University of Tampere provides some information on possible timeframes for calf injuries to heal:11. A physiotherapist or sports massage therapist can recommend strengthening, flexibility and proprioceptive exercises in the sub-acute and the chronic stage of recovery. There may be visible signs of inflammation and it may even cause disability until the calf heals. Straining, pulling, or tearing a calf muscle can feel like something has hit the back of your leg with force. How to tell if it's a strain or something else. This can be caused by a sudden, abrupt movement or as a result of over use. A few days after the injury, bruising will appear below where the partial tear has occurred. Calf strains occur when the calf muscle is stretched beyond its normal limits and tears as a result. Conversely, a calf tear is when the tendon behind the calf muscle tears. Make circles with your foot 20 times. Activation exercises. Resistance bands are good for gentle stretching. Dr. William Shiel on eMedicineHealth says that this is what you need to do:12. 2. The calf muscle is found at the back of the lower leg and is comprised of three muscles: the plantaris, the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The muscles can feel tight and ache when stretched. The function of your calf muscles is to provide mobility to your legs and enable you to freely walk, run, or jump. Usually this injury occurs during a sports or exercise activity when pushing off suddenly during a sprint or jump. Some medical professionals suspect that this is because calf strains create scar tissue or muscular adhesions, which can predispose the area to being injured again—or prevent healing in the first place. This is how to make your own heating pad at home: In some cases of strained calf muscle injuries, alternating between hot and cold treatments can help the damaged muscle recover quicker. Radiol Case Rep. 2017 Mar; 12(1): 120–123. There are effective calf strain exercises to treat the pain, swelling, and mobility issues often seen with trauma or injury to the calf muscles. Here are some simple calf injury exercises to increase your range of motion (ROM). eMedicineHealth. The most effective home treatments for pulled, strained, or torn calf muscles are plenty of rest and avoiding straining the muscle more. Ice bands are an effective way of applying ice therapy. A second or third-degree calf injury will also cause swelling which causes a bulge in the back of the lower leg.6. Continue the calf muscle strengthening exercise until the muscles in the back of your leg have fully recovered. Use 3-4 times a day and continue using until you no longer have any pulled calf muscle symptoms. The intensity of the exercises should be increased gradually and in a controlled way. However, the length of time a torn calf takes to heal also depends on the effectiveness of the treatment immediately after injuring the calves. Grade 3 calf muscle injury. The soleus sits deep to the gastrocnemius, with the plantaris muscle and part of its tendon located between these two muscles. How to use PRICE method to treat calf muscle tear: To help speed up recovery time, you should start using the PRICE method as soon as possible after a calf muscle tear injury. Calf Strains Here’s What Causes Annoying Calf Cramps Mid-Run. It is therefore, worth consulting a podiatrist, who can perform gait analysis and advise on appropriate foot wear.Kinesiology taping aids recovery by assisting with lymphatic drainage, and the repair of damaged tissues. such as in a complete rupture. Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort. According to the journal Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine, injuries to the calves are very common among sports people. Pain is felt when walking or weight bearing. When a muscle is stretched, small micro tears occur in the muscle fibres. Medial gastrocnemius strain. In a grade 1 strain recovery is roughly 2 weeks. Depending on the extent of injury to your calf muscle, you might have mild to intense pain. The symptoms of night leg cramps may last from a few seconds up to a few minutes. method: This stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. For injury prevention, it is essential that a warm up and cool down forms part of an exercise programme (10-20 minutes, depending on the duration of the programme). Usually there is tenderness on the calf muscle; especially on … A grade 1 calf muscle injury will take between one and 3 weeks to heal. Even if you're seeking medical help, ice the area immediately. According to the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, injury to your calf muscles can be prevented by avoiding over-straining your calf muscles. According to doctors from the Boston Sports Medicine & Research Institute, you should not stretch the calf muscles in the first three weeks of recovery. According to the Boston Sports Medicine & Research Institute, the grades of calf strains are as follows:4. The calf muscles might also feel sore after the cramp goes away. Calf Strain Treatment. 2013 Dec; 57(4): 327–333. Pulling, straining, or tearing your calf muscle can leave you in a lot of pain and make walking difficult. Grade 1 calf muscle injury. Bruising to the lower leg, as a result of internal bleeding. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Elevate the injured leg. Muscle strain. If you have suffered a moderate injury to your calf muscle (grade 2), you should expect healing to take 4 to 6 weeks. Achilles tendonitis is caused by overuse, strain, or stress on the Achilles tendon. This stretches the muscle tissue beyond their limit, resulting in weakness and bleeding in the muscle.7, Dr. William C. Shiel on eMedicineHealth says that sudden acceleration or deceleration often causes muscle injuries to the calves. Know its causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery. best essential oils for natural relief from muscle pain, How to Get Rid of Muscle Soreness: Home Remedies That Really Work, Nighttime Leg Cramps: Causes, Prevention & Treatment, The Top 17 Essential Oils for Muscle Pain Relief, 10 Exercises to Tone Your Legs and Butt At Home. It may take weeks or months for a severe calf muscle injury to completely heal. The earlier the treatment, the better the outcome. This frequently occurs when a patient attempts to accelerate from a stationary position (e.g. Normally, calf strains are not extremely painful. Grade 2 calf muscle injury. After initial concerns it was an Achilles injury, the Warriors confirmed the diagnosis was a calf strain. Those effected notice a sudden, sharp pain in the back of the leg. CALF STRAIN. Night leg cramps (also called nocturnal leg cramps or “charley horses”) mostly happen in the calf muscles. This helps to reduce swelling and pain in the muscles in the back of your leg in the first 72 hours. Compression. Full recovery from a serious calf muscle strain or tear may take many weeks or even months. Calf strain. Ice. A calf muscle strain occurs when the muscle fibers in the calf tear either partially or … The most effective home treatments for pulled, strained, or torn calf muscles are plenty of rest and avoiding straining the muscle more. When exercising your calf muscles after an injury, it’s important to make sure that you are always pain-free. Ice. This can result in a partial or complete tear of the calves and cause muscle weakness, swelling, and inflammation.3. You can feel your calf stretching if you outstretch your leg and point your toes to the floor. Snapping Hip Syndrome symptoms and treatment, Ankle Support, Plantar Fasciitis & Foot Braces. 4. eMedicineHealth. Ice the injured area to reduce swelling. All of these injuries to your calves can cause varying degrees of pain and damage to your lower leg muscles. According to doctors from Mayo Clinic, usually the cause for night leg cramps cannot be identified and is often unknown. Doctors from the National Health Service recommend the following calf exercises to help improve flexibility in your calves.7, Exercise 2 for recovering calf muscle tear. These exercises are aimed at maintaining normal joint range of movement in the ankles, hips and knees, as well as the calf muscles themselves. In a complete rupture the doctor might prescribe a cast to provide stability. Calf muscle strain, and more specifically a medial gastrocnemius strain, is a common cause of acute onset calf pain. Pain/discomfort can be felt after the activity, and can last from between 2-5 days. A calf strain is an injury to the muscles in the calf area (the back of the lower leg below the knee). During this time, you should use ice and compression to reduce swelling and bleeding in the calf tear. You should only start using heat to treat the muscle strain in your calf once the swelling has stopped. Depending on the severity of the calf tear, the injury could take up to 6 weeks to heal. Pulling or tearing a calf muscle can cause a sudden sharp pain in the back of your leg. The muscle feels tight and painful on resisted plantar flexion (pointing the toe). Treatment for this condition typically mirrors that of any muscle strain injury, including: The R.I.C.E. Picture of the calf muscle. A severe calf muscle tear is likened to cracking a whip and can leave a person in great pain having to limp when walking.2. WebMD. Here we explain the symptoms, causes, treatment and exercises for recovering from a torn calf muscle. Rest. The pain of a calf strain is often described as a sudden sharp or tearing sensation. If you have a Grade I or Grade II strain, your doctor will probably recommend that you follow the RICE rule: 1. BostonSportsMedicine. Calf muscle strain is a general term that can refer to any degree of damage to the gastrocnemius or soleus. If your calf muscle is free of pain, you can now begin some gentle stretching to help boost recovery and rehabilitate your lower leg muscles. A sudden change of direction, explosive movement or increase in speed can result in the calf muscles becoming torn or strained. This will cause sudden pain in the back of the leg when the calf muscle tears completely. You should also have an adequate warm-up routine before exercising or running to help avoid injury to your calves.14. Tie a knot in the sock, making sure that there is still some flexibility in the sock. Pain on resisted plantar flexion (pointed toe) or when standing on pointed toes. To prevent bad calf muscle strains and tears, it is very important to warm up before taking part in strenuous activity. In most cases, people can treat a pulled calf muscle at … To help quickly heal a pulled or strained calf muscle, it’s important to treat the injury with ice and compression as soon as possible. If you develop calf pain that won't go away after a few days, then schedule an appointment with your family physician. Your calf muscle is actually two muscles, the gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle. But don't avoid all physical activity. This can be caused by a sudden, abrupt movement or as a result of over use. For more information, please read my article on how to get rid of muscle soreness. The symptoms of mild (grade 1) calf strains include a twinge of pain in the back of the lower leg, with tightness and discomfort for 2 to 5 days afterward. TRITEMP™ is a commercial product, please fill in the details below to receive a quotation. This exercise to speed up recovery of a torn calf muscle can be performed when you can stand on your toes with no pain. J Am Acad Orthop Surg.1999 Jul-Aug;7(4):262-9. INJURY . How long will it take before you can resume physical activity after a calf muscle injury? Calf strain results from too much stretching or tearing of any of the calf muscles causing pain and swelling. 2. Just after a calf muscle injury, the best treatment is to ice the back of your leg to prevent further swelling. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. Required fields are marked *. This can help strained calf muscle injuries heal faster.10. Insufficient warm up or cool down is a common cause of calf strain. These muscles can be injured if they get overstretched. Treating a Calf Strain Immediately After Injury Rest your leg by keeping off your feet as often as you … The calf should be rested in an elevated position with ice applied (but not directly to the skin) for twenty minutes every two hours, if practical. In many cases, it is possible to hear the muscle “pop” or tear.5, A severe calf strain or torn calf will also feel very tender to touch. Sprains, strains, and other soft tissue injuries. Where a hematoma is present, its removal as quickly as possible is essential, otherwise complications may occur such as myositis ossificans. Unable to contract the muscle, as the muscle has ruptured completely. Complete inability to bear weight on the injured limb is the telling sign. The torn calf muscle may also show signs of bruising in your lower leg behind the knee. It commonly occur in men aged between 30 and 50. It may also be necessary to walk with crutches or have an ankle brace fitted to prevent accidentally straining the calf muscle again and hindering healing time. Medscape. Repeat 3 times a day. The calf muscle is actually composed of up to 9 separate muscles, any of which can be injured individually or together. 2013 Oct-Dec; 3(4): 337–345. What is the difference between a strained, pulled, and torn calf muscle? There are three different degrees of calf strain: grade 1 is a mild strain, grade 2 moderate to severe pain and a grade 3 strain is a complete rupture. Even if you're seeking medical help, ice the area immediately. They are responsible for extending the foot (plantar flexion) and bending the leg at the knee joint. Stand facing a wall and put your hands on that wall at shoulder level. There, you can also find out about the best essential oils for natural relief from muscle pain. Injury to a calf muscle can range from a strain or pull that you can treat at home to a more serious tear that may need a doctor's care. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), calf strains happen when the muscle is overstretched. Over pronation. Muscle strain. Place in the microwave and heat on full power for 1-2 minutes. Topic Overview. … Climbing or running up hills. According to the journal Radiology Case Reports, people who strain or tear a calf muscle have the sensation of something snapping in their mid-calf. Pain will be significant and will cause weakness in the lower leg muscle and make walking difficult. It should not be administered during the acute stage. A calf strain is caused by a tearing of part of the gastrocnemius or soleus . Mayo Clinic. A minor calf injury (grade 1) that results in mild pain should heal in 7 to 10 days. Night leg cramps. PRICE is an acronym for Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Effective Treatments for Pulled, Strained or Torn Calf Muscle, Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer. Calf strain advice. Knowing how long it takes a calf muscle injury to heal depends on the extent of gastrocnemius tearing in the leg. It may also be impossible to flex your foot, and pushing off from your foot when walking could be very painful. They say that generally nocturnal leg cramps are related to muscle fatigue and nerve problems, and that the risk increases with age, when a woman is pregnant or with several health conditions such as kidney failure and diabetes.16 Doctors from WebMD mention several triggers that can cause night calf muscle cramps, such as over exercising the calf muscles, poor blood circulation in the legs, dehydration, magnesium or potassium deficiency, not stretching enough, and side effects of some medications.17. An introduction to calf strain. Achilles tendonitis. The best way to recover from a torn calf muscle is by protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (PRICE). Ice treatment: Ice, can be applied for 10-15 minutes, every 2-3 hours in the acute and sub- acute stage (frequency can be reduced according to recovery, and can be continued for as long as deemed necessary). Massage can help aid recovery, and improve joint mobility and range of movement. Physiotherapist Dr. Alex Petruska from the Boston Sports Medicine & Research Institute says that calf strains are common sports injuries in people aged between 30 and 45 year old.4, Dr. Anthony Saglimbeni on Medscape also says that not warming up properly can cause mild to severe calf injuries. This kind of bad calf muscle injury usually results in swelling, bruising, and a lot of pain. Calf strain is a common muscle injury, most often associated with sports.It occurs when you … muscle from the top of the Achilles tendon. Mild sprains can be treated at home, while more serious strains require medical attention. A partial tear of the calf muscle results in a moderate, or grade 2 calf muscle injury. Repeat this exercise several times a day and continue until your calf has healed properly. Use an ice pack or slush bath of ice and water for 15 to 20 minutes each time and repeat every two to three hours while you're awake for the first few days after the injury. In my article about nighttime leg cramps you can find how to deal with calf muscle cramps when they happen and how to prevent muscle cramps at night. You only have a grade 1 calf muscle injury but the pulled calf muscle symptoms don’t improve within 48 hours of using PRICE methods. A sensation of being hit on the back of the lower leg. A severe grade 3 calf strain could take as long as 6 months to heal completely and may require surgery to repair the muscle tissue. Upper calf strains and lower calf strains may also happen if you quickly stop and pivot or turn direction.8, There are also a number of factors that can increase your risk of suffering from a mild to severe calf strain. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 4 times to help your calf fully recover quickly. Your email address will not be published. Both of the muscles in the calves taper at the bottom and join to your Achilles tendon.1. Just after a calf muscle injury, the best treatment is to ice the back of your leg to prevent further swelling. He will receive an MRI on Thursday morning to discover the severity of the strain. 3. A sudden sharp pain at the back of . Depending on the extent of strain in the calf muscles, you may have to apply the ice pack daily for the first few days to help control pain, swelling, and inflammation. According to Dr. Carol DerSarkissian on WebMD, pulled calf muscle injuries happen when the back of the leg muscles are stretched beyond their limit.1 A pulled muscle in the calf may only cause mild pain and it is usually possible to continue walking with a calf pull. Use an ice pack or slush bath of ice and water for 15 to 20 minutes each time and repeat every two to three hours while you're awake for the first few days after the injury. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Repeat 4 times to strengthen your calf muscles. Copyright Vivomed Ltd. All rights Reserved. It can also help alleviate pain. A lump of muscle tissue can be felt where the tear has occurred. Medscape. These are involuntary contractions or spasms of muscles in your legs usually at night during periods of inactivity that causes the calf muscles to feel tight and painful. If treated properly, it can take up to three weeks to heal Grade 1 calf pulls, four to six weeks to heal Grade 2 muscle strains, and three to four months to heal Grade 3 tears.. "Famous" Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present the absolute best self-treatment one can do for a calf tear, strain, or pain. Treatment for a pulled calf muscle aims to prevent further injury, aid healing and ensure full recovery to prevent long-term problems. A severe tear in the calf muscle may even prevent you from walking at all.1, All types of calf muscle injuries are graded according to their severity. Ride on stationary bicycle for 10 minutes with no resistance. Muscle strain. Instead they will cause a dull pain in the lower leg, unless the injury … A doctor or physiotherapist might recommend an MRI scan to assess the extent of rupture. Treatment of calf strains for runners. Therefore, if you suffer a calf injury, doctors from Harvard Medical say that you should visit your doctor promptly in the following circumstances:15, Article Sources Rest. The severity of these tears depends on the depth and suddenness of the stretch. We will learn 12 of the best calf exercises and discuss tips to prevent calf strains. In the sub-acute stage (3days – 3 weeks) heat therapy can be applied. Calf muscle injuries can happen when straining tight leg muscles by accelerating fast or suddenly changing direction. Pain is felt immediately, and can feel like a burning or stabbing sensation. Elevation: Gravity will assist lymphatic drainage and aid venous return. Insufficient warm up or cool down is a common cause of calf strain. Wearing inappropriate footwear. Medscape. As the pulled calf muscle heals, a warm heating pad, exercises, and stretching can all help to speed up the healing process. In some cases, the tear is so severe that it causes a ruptured calf muscle. In addition, you can take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin and other brand names) or aspirin, to ease pain and relieve swelling. The calf area of your injured leg becomes discolored, starts to swell, and you have. Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort. The two muscles most commonly affected by a calf strain are the gastrocnemius and the soleus. Fill a clean cotton sock with rice and leave about 3 inches clear at the top. approach — rest, ice, compression, elevation: 1. After two or three weeks of applying ice and heat treatments, you can start to use exercises for calf muscle strain. A calf strain is a tear to one or more of the muscles at the back of the lower leg. For immediate self-care of a muscle strain, try the R.I.C.E. This is because cold and unstretched muscles are more prone to snapping or tearing. Externally applying a thin layer of gel up to four times daily helps to reduce swelling, stiffness and relieve pain. With traditional treatment, this injury can leave you sidelined anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the severity. Your doctor will examine your leg and calf muscles, ask questions about your lifestyle and how you might have injured it, and maybe even take X-rays of your lower leg (to rule out a fracture of the tibia and fibula bones). … for immediate self-care of a calf strain lunging is calf strain treatment the injury, it ’ what... Take to heal 24-72 hours are critical in initial treatment for a pulled calf muscle, Jenny Hills, and! By a sudden contraction of the best essential oils for natural relief from muscle pain so that! 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