The two also agree that there are a heaven and a hell. The last census in 2011 put the Protestant population at 48 per cent, just 3 per cent more than Catholics at 45 per cent. Catholics have a special place for Mary the mother of Jesus Christ. Those who live a good Christian life get to heaven, while those who have committed mortal sins are sent to hell by God. We will help you to understand these, with specific references to how they interpret the bible and their different practices. Ø Catholic Population by State Ø How the Catholic Church Sodomized America . Protestants, unlike Catholics, do not believe in the saints and the special powers of Mary, the Mother of God. It … So: closed, Catholics vs Baptists – Differences And Similarities Discussed, But a hard Border it will be and Ireland will be more effectively partitioned than at any time in its history. Catholic–Protestant relations refers to the socio-political and theological relations and dialogue between the Catholics and Protestants.. The other states that have relatively high Evangelical Protestant populations include California (20%), New Mexico (23%), North Dakota (22%), and Illinois (20%). This caused many Religious Wars and in places like Northern Ireland, there are still tensions between the two denominations. Today, 32% of Protestants identify with denominations in the mainline tradition, down from 35% in 2007. The Church headed by the Pope sees itself as the Universal Church, unlike the Protestant denominations. They both believe in one god and that Jesus Christ is the savior and that the bible is the Word of God. There are 520 million Protestants mainly in Northern Europe and North America. The high number of Protestants is attributed to the fact that it was a British colony. Economic, familial and cultural ties have bound them together over the centuries, but without a common identity… Protestantism in England in the 16th century (separation from Rome) Musée protestant > The 16th century > Protestantism in England in the 16th century (separation from Rome) . These include the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom . Various estimates put the percentage of Protestants in relation to the total number of the world's Christians at 33%, 36%, 36.7%, and 40%, while in relation to the world's population at 11.6% and 13%. While the Pope is the head of the Catholic Church, Protestantism is a general term that refers to Christianity that is not subject to papal authority. They include areas such as church, organization, theology and practices. The total figure does not include independent Catholic denominations (18 million). Protestants believe that the Word of God as expressed in the Bible. They are mostly found in southern Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In this country, the figure was a 10th of that: 0.4% But whereas the victims in the general population are overwhelmingly female, the pattern among American Catholic … Wheeler, M., 2006. In the 162 Highland parishes there were 295,566 people. That’s one of the definitions that Catholics use. Protestants all accept that the bible is the only source of authority, they are ‘bibliocentric form of Christianity’ according to Introduction to, Catholics believe that tradition is another source of authority. By the time of the last census in 2011, 40.8% of the population were Catholic, 35.8% were in the main three Protestant churches, and 6.6% belonged to other denominations or faith (made up of … They would see that the problem is not just the walls. Catholics and Protestants believe in the Trinity. As of 2010 Catholics were the largest Christian group in Europe , accounting for more than 48% of European Christians. A protestant is a Christian who does not follow the catholic denomination but rather adheres to Protestantism, a denomination that resulted because of a reform movement initiated in Germany and France in the 16th century. More recent figures from 2016 show that among those of … Today, Africa is home to 41% of all Protestants. This is seen as ending the period of Catholic and Protestant Wars argues Philpot. They are mostly found in southern Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In this article, we will clarify many of the issues for you, with regard to Baptists and Catholics. Judisch, N. (2009). The crucifix is a staple in Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches. The principle of Justification is the biggest doctrinal difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. It means in the Catholic Church receiving the grace of God and sharing in the divine life. CARM. Or their abortion rate which would be 46 per 1,000 women of child rearing age, versus 9 in Protestant states with no Catholics around. The Protestant work ethic: A lay theory with dual intergroup implications. They also share many of the same religious celebrations. "According to the last census in 2011, Protestants outnumbered Catholics in Northern Ireland by just three percent," reported the news agency. See the link below for more info on all world religions. There are also crucial differences in both groups beliefs about the priesthood, communion and they also have major differences in theology, such as in their respective doctrine on Justification. After eleven years of religious turmoil following the king’s death, Anglicanism was established by Elizabeth I in 1559. There are many shared beliefs between Catholicism and Protestantism, and it is important that you understand the similarities between the two groups. Believers need to be members of the Church to be sanctified and unlike Catholics, most such as the Calvinists reject this view. While the Pope is the head of the Catholic Church, Protestantism is a general term that refers to Christianity that is not subject to papal authority. They also both believe that marriage is a holy bond, blessed by God. They are living separate but parallel lives. Protestants account for 48% of the population while Catholics account for 45%. Many people, even Christians believe that there are no major differences between the two faiths and wonder what all the fuss is about. Five hundred years after the Reformation, there are still painful divisions between Protestants and Catholics. China tops the list of the world’s least religious nations by far; it’s followed by countries in Europe — about three fourth of all Swedish and Czech also said that they were either atheists or not religious . In general, despite their differences, Protestant churches all hold broadly similar beliefs. The UN put the world population in mid-2020 at about 7.8 billion. Hispanics make up a larger share of the U.S. Catholic population than they do of almost any other religious group. There are literally thousands of Protestant groups, while Catholics are united in a common church. Protestant Churches reject this claim because it is not mentioned in the bible. Available from catholic church vs protestant church  Founded on the faith in Jesus Christ, both the Catholic and Protestant Churches have many differences between them. Simultaneously, this corresponds to around 20% of the world's total Protestant population.The U.S. contains the largest Protestant population of any country in the world. Both Catholics and Protestants firmly believed in the existence of witches and the practice of witchcraft. Have you ever wondered what the differences between Catholics and Protestants? When Martin Luther protested at the corruption of the Papacy, he started the Reformation, that led to the birth of Protestantism. As a result, they only accept two sacraments. Whites now account for smaller shares of the evangelical, mainline Protestant, Catholic and religiously unaffiliated populations than they did in 2007, while Hispanics have grown as a share of all of these groups. Various estimates put the percentage of Protestants in relation to the total number of the world's Christians at 33%, 36%, 36.7%, and 40%, while in relation to the world's population … They typically recognize other Protestant Churches as equal and also hold that salvation is possible for those who belong to other denominations, according to the Southern Seminary.  In the Catholic Church, for instance,  the altar is central , while the pulpit is the focus in the Protestant Church. Belfast Telegraph. Your email address will not be published. This has prevented them from reconciling to this day. Differences between Catholics and Protestants led to the 80 years war between the Dutch and Spain. Protestant vs Catholic Protestants and Catholics are two of the dominant groupings inside Christianity, the major religion of the west and one that is based upon Jesus and His teachings. The second-largest Christian group in Europe were the Orthodox, who made up 32% of European Christians. The Catholic and the Baptist Churches are amongst the largest denominations in the world. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. The terms Protestant and Catholic are not really opposites. In Western and Southern Europe, the Catholic Church was the only Christian Church and it was headed by the Pope, who had great spiritual and temporal power. Faith and Philosophy, 26(2), 167-185. Jesus is believed to be the son of God that took birth as a human being and served his role as a divine figure by being a savior of mankind. It … These are baptism, confirmation, communion, matrimony, penance, holy orders and extreme unction (last rites). Protestant. There is a discussion on the long conflict between the two confessions. But there is a tradition of donning ashes as a sign of penitence that predates Jesus. The mainline tradition’s share of the Protestant population has declined along with its share of the overall population. Manchester, unlike the rest of Lancashire, owes its large Catholic population to Irish immigration. In the 1960s the Catholics sought equal rights’ and this led to sectarian rioting. There will be some discussion as to differences between Catholics and Protestant groups such as Anglicans, Lutherans, and Baptists. The Roman Catholic Church reveres Mary , the mother of Jesus, as “Queen of Heaven.” However, there are few biblical references to support the Catholic Marian dogmas — which include the Immaculate Conception, her perpetual virginity and her Assumption into heaven. In terms of religion, in the 2001 census 53% of the population was Protestant with 44% Catholic. In many forms of Protestantism, any believer can become a priest and they do not even need to be consecrated. In … The differences between Catholic and Protestant is essential if you are to understand modern history according to Heal. The last census in 2011 put the Protestant population at 48%, just 3% more than Catholics at 45%. They both believe in the concept of sin and original sin and both need to be overcome for salvation. The population of Northern Ireland, which has been predominantly Protestant since the state's founding in 1921, will likely be dominated by Catholics in three years, according to a new census, reported the Catholic News Agency on April 23. Both practice Holy Communion and see it of immense significance. Other states with small Protestant populations include the District of Columbia (8%) and Massachusetts (9%). Both branches of Christianity believe in heaven and hell. Protestant reject this and believe that it is not based on the bible and praying to the saints is frowned upon, because there is no reference to it in the bible, according to the Southern Seminary. 47.7% of the total population are Protestants while Roman Catholics comprise 23.4%. For this reason it is incorrect to refer to members of the Church of Ireland as ‘non–Catholic’. The Catholic Church is headed by the Pope and has a clerical hierarchy. The population of Northern Ireland, on the day the census was carried out in March 2011, had increased by 125,600 to 1.811m, between 2001 and 2011. By 1600 Europe was divided between those who owed their loyalty to the Pope and those who rejected him. This group included the Church of England, Church of Scotland, Church in Wales, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations. Ø Latest SAT Scores by Sex and Race for North Dakota . Prerogative of the Church, which follows the Holy Spirit and the Word of God as best it can. Byzantine Rite – 8.2 million Both groups revere the Old and the New Testament. They believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he died for their sins. French Calvinists grew very strong and this led to a series of Religious Wars and the infamous St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in Paris. Both groups are Christians and they believe in one God, who made heaven and earth. It projects that the population will reach 8 billion by 2023. Catholics and Protestants have a different view on the nature of the church. This decrease is often linked to the removal of British forces from the Free State, however the rate of decline was quite similar between native and foreign born Protestants and the drop was five times greater than the total number of Protestants in the British forces in 1911. Between 1990 and 2017 the proportion of the population aged 16 and over reporting as Protestant has dropped from 56% to 42%, while the proportion reporting as Catholic increased from 38% to 41%. Ø Same Pattern Seen in PISA scores . The Republic of Ireland is a majority Catholic country. These important Churches and their differences need to be understood so that we know how they can help us to live a spiritual and good life. There were 282,735 Protestants, and 12,831 Roman Catholics. Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon). Not so much in Protestant churches. The Troubles ended in 1998, after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. All of the Protestant Churches reject this and argue that she was only a blessed woman according to In fact, it would be a good idea for them to join one of those tours. The chart below provides a quick-reference guide to the major differences between Catholic and Protestant theology, especially at the time of the Reformation. Over 3000 people were killed in the violence in Northern Ireland, which became known as the ‘Troubles’. There are 520 million Protestants mainly in Northern Europe and North America. The Presbyterian Church is the second largest and the largest Protestant denomination. The Protestant Church has its roots in Lutheranism and other denominations that rose out of the 16th-century religious reform movement. Your email address will not be published. Approximately 84% of the population in Kenya practice Christianity. (The reverse is true for Protestants, but to a lesser extent.) Before the Potato Famine, Protestantism was the cheif religion in America. This grouping within Christianity arose as a result of the reformation that started in the 16th century in Germany. However, as this article will show you, there are real differences between the two confessions, on important theological issues and organization. Many of the Protestant Churches hold very similar views but some such as the Anglican are more similar to Catholicism than the Baptists. Catholic v Protestant Population There are an estimated 1.2 billion Catholics in the World. The Treaty of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years War. Catholics and Protestants believe that the Bible is the Word of God and is a source of authority and is used in their services. They are living separate but parallel lives. While Catholics are all part of one monolithic congregation, Protestants are members of many different churches. If you want to really understand Christianity, you need to understand its various groups. If you look at the picture above you will see that there are geographical areas in Northern Ireland that are Protestant and geographical areas that are Catholic. There are 2.2 billion Christians worldwide that comprise nearly a third of the population of the earth. The trend line suggests that there would be only 180 police per 100k population in a Catholic-free state, compared to more than 500 in a 100% Catholic state. The Catholic Church launched the Counter-Reformation, this was a series of reforms that aimed to halt the growth of Protestantism. The population of the Protestants in Utah is 7% of its population. Cambridge University Press. The terms Protestant and Catholic are not really opposites. Introduction to Protestantism (2016) Introduction to Protestantism: Examining the Protestant faith. They worship the same God, but the principles of their faith are different. It is both Protestant and Catholic. Catholics accept 49 books in the Old Testament and the Protestant bible has some 39 books. Because of their more literal approach to the Bible, Protestant do not accept doctrines such as Purgatory or practices such as Lent. The saints play a big part in the spiritual life of many Catholics. 1. The number of Muslims has overtaken that of Roman Catholics for the first time, the Vatican said yesterday. There are approximately 738,033 Roman Catholics in Northern Ireland. The Thirty Years War broke out in 1618 and it was one of the most brutal religious wars in all history and the war involved much of the kingdoms in Europe and led to massive loss of life. When Pope Clement VII refused to consent to the annulment, Henry VIII decided to separate the entire country of England from the Roman Catholic Church. In this article, we discuss the background to the Catholic and Protestant divisions and its history. Protestant groups such as the Anglicans believe that if a person loses their faith then they are not justified. By 2050, it is expected that this will rise to around 53%. The vast majority of Catholic and Protestant children are taught in separate schools, ... the Catholic population had increased to 43.8 per cent and by 2011 to 45 per cent. Throughout history the Protestant congregations have divided many times. This represented a drop of 32% in the Protestant population compared to the 2% drop in the Catholic population. Both Protestant and Catholic leaders condemned the violence. The substantial difference in the religiosity of Catholic and Protestant Hispanics is reflective of a pattern found in the U.S. population overall. The May 2019 Special Eurobarometer found that 50% were Christians (14% Protestants, 13% Catholics, 7% Orthodox and 16% other Christians), 37% non-religious (9% atheists, 28% ‘nonbelievers and agnostics’), 5% Muslims (3% Sunnis, 1% Shias, 1% other Muslims), 1% Sikhs, 1% Hindus, fewer than 1% Jews, fewer than 1% They are both very much concerned with the salvation of the individual. Catholics believe that Christ is present in the bread and wine. The old enemies: Catholic and Protestant in nineteenth-century English culture. Another difference between Catholics and Protestants is with regard to communion. The population of Northern Ireland, which has been predominantly Protestant since the state's founding in 1921, will likely be dominated by Catholics in three years, according to a new census, reported the Catholic News Agency on April 23. Available from There are about 752,555 Protestants. Protestantism is the largest grouping of Christians in the United States, with its combined denominations collectively comprising about 43% of the country's population (or 141 million people) in 2019. In the Old Testament, Job repents “in dust and ashes,” and there are other associations of ashes and […]. Fifty-one percent of all Protestants, including those who identify themselves as Christian but not Catholic, are very religious, compared with 43% of all Catholics. Catholics and Protestants are the two most important branches of Christianity today and both groups are very influential in the world. In other historical Protestant strongholds such as Germany , the Netherlands, Switzerland, Latvia, Estonia and Hungary, it remains one of the most popular religions. Northern Ireland is a Protestant-majority region within the UK with a large minority who profess to be members of the Church of Rome. The majority of Germany’s Christians are registered as either Catholic (23.6 million) or Protestant (21.9 million). However, the difference lies in regards to possession. If you look at the picture above you will see that there are geographical areas in Northern Ireland that are Protestant and geographical areas that are Catholic. The sectarian violence resulted in the terrorist campaign of the IRA and Loyalist Paramilitaries. Catholics and Protestant do not accept all the books of the Old Testament. There are Catholics who accept the universal jurisdiction of the Pope, the Bishop of Rome. The bible is very important in both branches of Christianity. Twelve of the original Thirteen Colonies were Protestant; Maryland was the only Catholic one. Despite having a common origin, the two Christian denominations have major differences. Catholicism is the largest branch of Christianity with 1.329 billion and the Catholic Church is the largest among churches. Catholicism and Protestantism are two denominations of Christianity, just like Shia and Sunni are sects of Islam. However, a study of primary schools in Tyrone around 1998 indicated that the Protestant population there was rising at least as fast as the Catholic population, indicating that the Catholic-Protestant ratio would stay as it is now. [33] [34] [35] The decline is attributed mainly to the dropping membership of the Mainline Protestant churches, [34] [36] while Evangelical Protestant and Black churches are relatively stable or continue to grow. Most Read. According to a 2019 study, Protestant share of U.S. population dropped to 43%, further ending its status as religion of the majority. They reject the idea of apostolic succession advocated by Catholics. While recognizing the differences we must never lose sight that both groups are Christians. According to the teachings of the Church headed by the Pope, believers can be justified by both faith and good works, such as charitable acts. By following the rules of the Church, by doing good works a believer can become sanctified. Sanctification, satisfaction, and Baptists the rules of the Christian Church ( )... Are protestant vs catholic population to help you to understand modern history according to Catholics, do believe... In America the king ’ s divorce led to the major differences we must never lose sight both., it can be saved but they must live a good life and the numbers to... Who made heaven and earth various groups their different practices in one God and that problem... 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